Check The Credits: Jake One On Producing For Rick Ross, J. Cole, Drake, Wale, & More



“All Alright” – fun.

I feel like this song is the perfect example of how you never really know what could happen. The only reason I was even involved with that fun. project was because my boy Emile Haynie and I had been working on beats together. It’s really funny too, because it was super lazy what I did with that beat. Right around the time my daughter was born I didn’t really have the time to go into my studio and really zone out, so I think I had just took the drums off of another beat I had already done. I just put those drums on these piano loops Emile’ had sent me and sent it back to him. The next day he told me that this group named fun. had recorded something to the beat. At the time I hadn’t heard of fun. That album went platinum and we got nominated for a Grammy. Things just work out that way. The least amount of effort or thought you put into something, sometimes works out the best.